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Research: Technology Transfer


Technology transfer in china-africa RElations

With a grant from the Centre for Economic Policy Research, SAIS-CARI is investigating when, why, and how China-Africa relations lead to technology transfer. As part of this research, SAIS-CARI has conducted original research, produced several policy briefs and working papers, and hosted a conference in Washington, DC in April 2019. A brief summary of these outputs can be found below.

Policy Briefs:

Working Papers:


SAIS-CARI held its 5th annual conference on April 15-16, 2019 in Washington, DC. The theme of the conference, “Catalysts, Competition, and Learning: Knowledge, Skills, and Technology Transfer in China-Africa Engagements”, showcased SAIS-CARI’s recent work in technology transfer. In addition, SAIS-CARI hosted over a dozen outside scholars, including individuals from the World Bank, Tsinghua University, and Tufts University. The full conference program can be found here.